The unrivaled alternative to Sourcescrub
The unrivaled alternative to Sourcescrub
The unrivaled alternative to Sourcescrub
Gain.pro is on a mission to provide investors with faster, more accurate and more critical insight into the world’s private companies and their markets.
While Sourcescrub can be used as a great company search tool, Gain.pro takes private market intelligence to the next level by providing in-depth information and data on the companies, industries and investors that matter to you most. Our unparalleled digital solution combines the best of advanced technology with human expertise so you can gain your competitive edge by boosting your research team’s workflow.
Gain.pro is on a mission to provide investors with faster, more accurate and more critical insight into the world’s private companies and their markets.
While Sourcescrub can be used as a great company search tool, Gain.pro takes private market intelligence to the next level by providing in-depth information and data on the companies, industries and investors that matter to you most. Our unparalleled digital solution combines the best of advanced technology with human expertise so you can gain your competitive edge by boosting your research team’s workflow.

Why are we different?
Why are we different?
Why are we different?
Gain.pro takes the extra step by providing deeper information and insights on the private market and centralizing it on one user-friendly platform.
Gain.pro takes the extra step by providing deeper information and insights on the private market and centralizing it on one user-friendly platform.
Gain.pro takes the extra step by providing deeper information and insights on the private market and centralizing it on one user-friendly platform.
Deeper insights on private companies
Deeper insights on private companies
Deeper insights on private companies
Sourcescrub uses technology to pull information from multiple sources to give you snapshots of private companies. Gain.pro’s curated company profiles combine the best of both cutting-edge technology and human curation to deliver deep insights and information on private companies, including critical business model assessments, ownership details, financials and more. With Gain.pro, you save the first 10 hours of company research so you can focus your time on more value-added work.
Comprehensive coverage of global markets
Comprehensive coverage of global markets
Comprehensive coverage of global markets
With Gain.pro, you can gain a perspective on private markets across the globe. Our expansive coverage allows you to search for investment opportunities within your target market and discover similar and adjacent players in different regions. For a more specific search, you can hone in on companies based on their HQ city anywhere in the world.
An expert guide to niche industries
An expert guide to niche industries
An expert guide to niche industries
To provide you with even deeper knowledge on the industries that interest you most, Gain.pro offers over 200 niche market deep dive reports that blend both primary and secondary research. Curated by our teams of local-for-local analysts and interviews with C-level executives, these reports are designed to supply you with proprietary insights on industries’ individual segments, market trends, competitive landscapes and more, so you can fully understand their investment potential.
An inside look on investor activity
An inside look on investor activity
An inside look on investor activity
With Gain.pro, not only can you develop an understanding of private companies and the markets in which they operate, you can also get a full view of the investors active in the space. With our investor profiles, you have access to fundraising activity, portfolio analysis, dry powder estimates and more, so you can gain actionable insights on peer investment trends.
Leader in AI-powered deal-sourcing
Leader in AI-powered deal-sourcing
Leader in AI-powered deal-sourcing
Gain.pro truly automates your private market research and deal sourcing workflow through the power of AI technology. Our digital solutions allows you to search for companies with a unique set of filter options, including keyword tags, helping you discover investment opportunities that fit within your mandate. Through the same technology, our platform enables you to find similar and adjacent players so you can easily spot relevant companies within your target market.
Dedicated Customer Success Manager
Dedicated Customer Success Manager
Dedicated Customer Success Manager
Gain.pro provides each client with a personal Customer Success Manager who strives to understand your specific needs and challenges. One of our exceptional services is delivering client research requests in <72 hours*. Our commitment to delivering quality service sets us apart which is why we have an NPS score of 52 (May 2023) compared to the industry average of 30.
See for yourself why Gain.pro is the gold standard for private market intelligence
See for yourself why Gain.pro is the gold standard for private market intelligence
See for yourself why Gain.pro is the gold standard for private market intelligence
Take a virtual tour of our platform to get a taste of how we can revolutionize your team’s research and deal sourcing workflow.
Take a virtual tour of our platform to get a taste of how we can revolutionize your team’s research and deal sourcing workflow.
Take a virtual tour of our platform to get a taste of how we can revolutionize your team’s research and deal sourcing workflow.
Click & see it for yourself!
Click & see it for yourself!

Production of labels & packaging

See what Gain.pro can do for you and your team
Industry leaders share their experience
Industry leaders share their experience
Industry leaders share their experience
Hear first-hand how our clients leverage the power of Gain.pro for their unique use cases.
Hear first-hand how our clients leverage the power of Gain.pro for their unique use cases.
Hear first-hand how our clients leverage the power of Gain.pro for their unique use cases.
Read more customer stories
Read more customer stories
Our customers love our product
Our customers love our product
Our customers love our product
"The biggest reason not to recommend Gain.pro is to keep it for myself"
"The biggest reason not to recommend Gain.pro is to keep it for myself"
"The biggest reason not to recommend Gain.pro is to keep it for myself"
Large Global Consulting Firm
Investment professional
"Gain.pro provides us with easier access to private market information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Thomas Weber
Managing director
"Gain.pro provides good access, good overview, and is helpful in deal sourcing."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Efficiency is the key word. Due to the extensive amount of (relevant) information provided by Gain.pro, team members can focus on things that really matter, meaning workstreams are more challenging and satisfying to work on."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Julian Popov
"Gain.pro's data is of higher quality and more reliable than other sources."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceThirza Koppert
Investment Manager
“These days, Gain.pro is the first source we check when a new investment opportunity comes up. We know Gain.pro covers a wide range of companies and they have the key data organized in a user-friendly interface. And since they get data directly from publicly available registers (or show their sources), we can rely on the quality of information.”
Investment Bank
"Gain.pro has enabled many ways to automate company profiles, competitor screenings and research. We have seen a big leap in efficiency, allowing junior bankers to spend more time on more "complex" issues or to enjoy a slightly better work-life balance."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Corentin lannello
Senior Associate
"With Gain.pro I find more opportunities and I find them earlier than before."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceGlobal Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides a clear representation of financial data which would take more time to consolidate manually. It is easy to look up relevant companies, making desk research less time consuming."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Paul Schram
Global Head of M&A and ECM
"After searching the market, we were drawn to Gain.pro, and upon further exploration, we knew that this would be the future for our business"
Large Investment bank
Vice President
"Gain.pro provides us with quick and easy access to critical company information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Hayo van Houten
“We can run into companies that we don’t know yet using Gain.pro. This happens quite often. If I'm looking at a company in a certain industry, I might use Gain.pro to look up competitors. We might even find potential add-ons.”
Alexander Vangoidsenhoven
"Clairfield International said Gain.pro provides easy access to private market information, supports better visibility on companies that are relevant for them, and keeps them informed on the latest deal news and industry trends."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides quicker access to core data on a relevant set of (target) companies"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Joris van Aken
"Gain.pro helps to quickly find the financials of companies as well as competitor benchmarks. It also gives valuable insights into different niche markets and their players."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro gave us the ability to change our approach to research."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Wouter Giard
Director Corporate Finance – M&A
“This was the first time I had encountered a solution that felt like it could improve the way we work, enhance efficiency and digitize our operations, all at the same time. It was also immediately apparent how intuitive the platform is and that we’d be able to use it for any number of tasks, whether that’s for market assessments, providing commercial due diligence to clients or advising on acquisitions.”
Investment Bank
"Gain.pro has enabled many ways to automate company profiles, competitor screenings and research. We have seen a big leap in efficiency, allowing junior bankers to spend more time on more "complex" issues or to enjoy a slightly better work-life balance."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Corentin lannello
Senior Associate
"With Gain.pro I find more opportunities and I find them earlier than before."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceGlobal Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides a clear representation of financial data which would take more time to consolidate manually. It is easy to look up relevant companies, making desk research less time consuming."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Paul Schram
Global Head of M&A and ECM
"After searching the market, we were drawn to Gain.pro, and upon further exploration, we knew that this would be the future for our business"
Large Investment bank
Vice President
"Gain.pro provides us with quick and easy access to critical company information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Hayo van Houten
“We can run into companies that we don’t know yet using Gain.pro. This happens quite often. If I'm looking at a company in a certain industry, I might use Gain.pro to look up competitors. We might even find potential add-ons.”
Alexander Vangoidsenhoven
"Clairfield International said Gain.pro provides easy access to private market information, supports better visibility on companies that are relevant for them, and keeps them informed on the latest deal news and industry trends."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides quicker access to core data on a relevant set of (target) companies"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Joris van Aken
"Gain.pro helps to quickly find the financials of companies as well as competitor benchmarks. It also gives valuable insights into different niche markets and their players."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro gave us the ability to change our approach to research."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Wouter Giard
Director Corporate Finance – M&A
“This was the first time I had encountered a solution that felt like it could improve the way we work, enhance efficiency and digitize our operations, all at the same time. It was also immediately apparent how intuitive the platform is and that we’d be able to use it for any number of tasks, whether that’s for market assessments, providing commercial due diligence to clients or advising on acquisitions.”
Large Global Consulting Firm
Investment professional
"Gain.pro provides us with easier access to private market information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Thomas Weber
Managing director
"Gain.pro provides good access, good overview, and is helpful in deal sourcing."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Efficiency is the key word. Due to the extensive amount of (relevant) information provided by Gain.pro, team members can focus on things that really matter, meaning workstreams are more challenging and satisfying to work on."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Julian Popov
"Gain.pro's data is of higher quality and more reliable than other sources."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceThirza Koppert
Investment Manager
“These days, Gain.pro is the first source we check when a new investment opportunity comes up. We know Gain.pro covers a wide range of companies and they have the key data organized in a user-friendly interface. And since they get data directly from publicly available registers (or show their sources), we can rely on the quality of information.”
Alexander Vangoidsenhoven
"Clairfield International said Gain.pro provides easy access to private market information, supports better visibility on companies that are relevant for them, and keeps them informed on the latest deal news and industry trends."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides quicker access to core data on a relevant set of (target) companies"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Joris van Aken
"Gain.pro helps to quickly find the financials of companies as well as competitor benchmarks. It also gives valuable insights into different niche markets and their players."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro gave us the ability to change our approach to research."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Wouter Giard
Director Corporate Finance – M&A
“This was the first time I had encountered a solution that felt like it could improve the way we work, enhance efficiency and digitize our operations, all at the same time. It was also immediately apparent how intuitive the platform is and that we’d be able to use it for any number of tasks, whether that’s for market assessments, providing commercial due diligence to clients or advising on acquisitions.”
Large Global Consulting Firm
Investment professional
"Gain.pro provides us with easier access to private market information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Thomas Weber
Managing director
"Gain.pro provides good access, good overview, and is helpful in deal sourcing."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Efficiency is the key word. Due to the extensive amount of (relevant) information provided by Gain.pro, team members can focus on things that really matter, meaning workstreams are more challenging and satisfying to work on."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Julian Popov
"Gain.pro's data is of higher quality and more reliable than other sources."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceThirza Koppert
Investment Manager
“These days, Gain.pro is the first source we check when a new investment opportunity comes up. We know Gain.pro covers a wide range of companies and they have the key data organized in a user-friendly interface. And since they get data directly from publicly available registers (or show their sources), we can rely on the quality of information.”
Investment Bank
"Gain.pro has enabled many ways to automate company profiles, competitor screenings and research. We have seen a big leap in efficiency, allowing junior bankers to spend more time on more "complex" issues or to enjoy a slightly better work-life balance."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Corentin lannello
Senior Associate
"With Gain.pro I find more opportunities and I find them earlier than before."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceGlobal Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides a clear representation of financial data which would take more time to consolidate manually. It is easy to look up relevant companies, making desk research less time consuming."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Paul Schram
Global Head of M&A and ECM
"After searching the market, we were drawn to Gain.pro, and upon further exploration, we knew that this would be the future for our business"
Large Investment bank
Vice President
"Gain.pro provides us with quick and easy access to critical company information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Hayo van Houten
“We can run into companies that we don’t know yet using Gain.pro. This happens quite often. If I'm looking at a company in a certain industry, I might use Gain.pro to look up competitors. We might even find potential add-ons.”
Large Global Consulting Firm
Investment professional
"Gain.pro provides us with easier access to private market information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Thomas Weber
Managing director
"Gain.pro provides good access, good overview, and is helpful in deal sourcing."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Efficiency is the key word. Due to the extensive amount of (relevant) information provided by Gain.pro, team members can focus on things that really matter, meaning workstreams are more challenging and satisfying to work on."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Julian Popov
"Gain.pro's data is of higher quality and more reliable than other sources."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceThirza Koppert
Investment Manager
“These days, Gain.pro is the first source we check when a new investment opportunity comes up. We know Gain.pro covers a wide range of companies and they have the key data organized in a user-friendly interface. And since they get data directly from publicly available registers (or show their sources), we can rely on the quality of information.”
Investment Bank
"Gain.pro has enabled many ways to automate company profiles, competitor screenings and research. We have seen a big leap in efficiency, allowing junior bankers to spend more time on more "complex" issues or to enjoy a slightly better work-life balance."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Corentin lannello
Senior Associate
"With Gain.pro I find more opportunities and I find them earlier than before."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceGlobal Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides a clear representation of financial data which would take more time to consolidate manually. It is easy to look up relevant companies, making desk research less time consuming."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Paul Schram
Global Head of M&A and ECM
"After searching the market, we were drawn to Gain.pro, and upon further exploration, we knew that this would be the future for our business"
Large Investment bank
Vice President
"Gain.pro provides us with quick and easy access to critical company information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Hayo van Houten
“We can run into companies that we don’t know yet using Gain.pro. This happens quite often. If I'm looking at a company in a certain industry, I might use Gain.pro to look up competitors. We might even find potential add-ons.”
Alexander Vangoidsenhoven
"Clairfield International said Gain.pro provides easy access to private market information, supports better visibility on companies that are relevant for them, and keeps them informed on the latest deal news and industry trends."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides quicker access to core data on a relevant set of (target) companies"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Joris van Aken
"Gain.pro helps to quickly find the financials of companies as well as competitor benchmarks. It also gives valuable insights into different niche markets and their players."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro gave us the ability to change our approach to research."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Wouter Giard
Director Corporate Finance – M&A
“This was the first time I had encountered a solution that felt like it could improve the way we work, enhance efficiency and digitize our operations, all at the same time. It was also immediately apparent how intuitive the platform is and that we’d be able to use it for any number of tasks, whether that’s for market assessments, providing commercial due diligence to clients or advising on acquisitions.”
Investment Bank
"Gain.pro has enabled many ways to automate company profiles, competitor screenings and research. We have seen a big leap in efficiency, allowing junior bankers to spend more time on more "complex" issues or to enjoy a slightly better work-life balance."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Corentin lannello
Senior Associate
"With Gain.pro I find more opportunities and I find them earlier than before."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceGlobal Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides a clear representation of financial data which would take more time to consolidate manually. It is easy to look up relevant companies, making desk research less time consuming."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Paul Schram
Global Head of M&A and ECM
"After searching the market, we were drawn to Gain.pro, and upon further exploration, we knew that this would be the future for our business"
Large Investment bank
Vice President
"Gain.pro provides us with quick and easy access to critical company information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Hayo van Houten
“We can run into companies that we don’t know yet using Gain.pro. This happens quite often. If I'm looking at a company in a certain industry, I might use Gain.pro to look up competitors. We might even find potential add-ons.”
Alexander Vangoidsenhoven
"Clairfield International said Gain.pro provides easy access to private market information, supports better visibility on companies that are relevant for them, and keeps them informed on the latest deal news and industry trends."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides quicker access to core data on a relevant set of (target) companies"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Joris van Aken
"Gain.pro helps to quickly find the financials of companies as well as competitor benchmarks. It also gives valuable insights into different niche markets and their players."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro gave us the ability to change our approach to research."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Wouter Giard
Director Corporate Finance – M&A
“This was the first time I had encountered a solution that felt like it could improve the way we work, enhance efficiency and digitize our operations, all at the same time. It was also immediately apparent how intuitive the platform is and that we’d be able to use it for any number of tasks, whether that’s for market assessments, providing commercial due diligence to clients or advising on acquisitions.”
Large Global Consulting Firm
Investment professional
"Gain.pro provides us with easier access to private market information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Thomas Weber
Managing director
"Gain.pro provides good access, good overview, and is helpful in deal sourcing."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Efficiency is the key word. Due to the extensive amount of (relevant) information provided by Gain.pro, team members can focus on things that really matter, meaning workstreams are more challenging and satisfying to work on."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Julian Popov
"Gain.pro's data is of higher quality and more reliable than other sources."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceThirza Koppert
Investment Manager
“These days, Gain.pro is the first source we check when a new investment opportunity comes up. We know Gain.pro covers a wide range of companies and they have the key data organized in a user-friendly interface. And since they get data directly from publicly available registers (or show their sources), we can rely on the quality of information.”
Large Global Consulting Firm
Investment professional
"Gain.pro provides us with easier access to private market information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Thomas Weber
Managing director
"Gain.pro provides good access, good overview, and is helpful in deal sourcing."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Efficiency is the key word. Due to the extensive amount of (relevant) information provided by Gain.pro, team members can focus on things that really matter, meaning workstreams are more challenging and satisfying to work on."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Julian Popov
"Gain.pro's data is of higher quality and more reliable than other sources."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceThirza Koppert
Investment Manager
“These days, Gain.pro is the first source we check when a new investment opportunity comes up. We know Gain.pro covers a wide range of companies and they have the key data organized in a user-friendly interface. And since they get data directly from publicly available registers (or show their sources), we can rely on the quality of information.”
Investment Bank
"Gain.pro has enabled many ways to automate company profiles, competitor screenings and research. We have seen a big leap in efficiency, allowing junior bankers to spend more time on more "complex" issues or to enjoy a slightly better work-life balance."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Corentin lannello
Senior Associate
"With Gain.pro I find more opportunities and I find them earlier than before."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceGlobal Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides a clear representation of financial data which would take more time to consolidate manually. It is easy to look up relevant companies, making desk research less time consuming."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Paul Schram
Global Head of M&A and ECM
"After searching the market, we were drawn to Gain.pro, and upon further exploration, we knew that this would be the future for our business"
Large Investment bank
Vice President
"Gain.pro provides us with quick and easy access to critical company information"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Hayo van Houten
“We can run into companies that we don’t know yet using Gain.pro. This happens quite often. If I'm looking at a company in a certain industry, I might use Gain.pro to look up competitors. We might even find potential add-ons.”
Alexander Vangoidsenhoven
"Clairfield International said Gain.pro provides easy access to private market information, supports better visibility on companies that are relevant for them, and keeps them informed on the latest deal news and industry trends."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro provides quicker access to core data on a relevant set of (target) companies"
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Joris van Aken
"Gain.pro helps to quickly find the financials of companies as well as competitor benchmarks. It also gives valuable insights into different niche markets and their players."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data sourceEuropean Private Equity Firm
"Gain.pro gave us the ability to change our approach to research."
According to a study of Gain.pro users conducted
by a trusted 3rd-party data source
Wouter Giard
Director Corporate Finance – M&A
“This was the first time I had encountered a solution that felt like it could improve the way we work, enhance efficiency and digitize our operations, all at the same time. It was also immediately apparent how intuitive the platform is and that we’d be able to use it for any number of tasks, whether that’s for market assessments, providing commercial due diligence to clients or advising on acquisitions.”
When it comes to company & industry insights, Gain.pro is your one-stop solution
When it comes to company & industry insights, Gain.pro is your one-stop solution
When it comes to company & industry insights, Gain.pro is your one-stop solution
See what Gain.pro can do for you and your team.
See what Gain.pro can do for you and your team.
See what Gain.pro can do for you and your team.
Industry leaders trust Gain.pro
© 2025 Gain.pro, all rights reserved
© 2025 Gain.pro, all rights reserved
© 2025 Gain.pro, all rights reserved